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Convert CSS text to JavaScript object




I have the following text as a JavaScript string

.mybox {
 display: block; 
 width: 20px; 
 height: 20px;
 background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);

I want to convert to a JavaScript Object

var mybox = {
 'display': 'block',
 'width': '20px',
 'height': '20px';
 'background-color': 'rgb(204, 204, 204)';

Any ideas or already made scripts?

like image 644
Omar Abid Avatar asked Jan 24 '12 13:01

Omar Abid

1 Answers

Year 2017 answer

function parseCSSText(cssText) {
    var cssTxt = cssText.replace(/\/\*(.|\s)*?\*\//g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
    var style = {}, [,ruleName,rule] = cssTxt.match(/ ?(.*?) ?{([^}]*)}/)||[,,cssTxt];
    var cssToJs = s => s.replace(/\W+\w/g, match => match.slice(-1).toUpperCase());
    var properties = rule.split(";").map(o => o.split(":").map(x => x && x.trim()));
    for (var [property, value] of properties) style[cssToJs(property)] = value;
    return {cssText, ruleName, style};
} /* updated 2017-09-28 */


Passing the following cssText (string) to the function:

.mybox {
     display: block; 
     width: 20px; 
     height: 20px;
     background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);

...will give the following object:

{   cssText: ... /* the original string including new lines, tabs and spaces */, 
    ruleName: ".mybox",
    style: {
        "": undefined,
        display: "block",
        width: "20px",
        height: "20px",
        backgroundColor: "rgb(204, 204, 204)"

User can also pass a cssText such as:

display: block; width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);


  • Works both with CSSRule.cssText and CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText.
  • Converts CSS property names (background-color) to JS property names (backgroundColor). It handles even very erratic names, such as back%gr- -ound---color: red; (converts to backGrOundColor).
  • Enables mass modification of existing CSSStyleDeclarations (such as document.body.style) using a single call Object.assign(document.body.style, parseCSSText(cssText).style).
  • Does not fail when a property name comes without a value (an entry without a colon) nor even vice versa.
  • Update 2017-09-28: Handles new lines also in rule names, collapses white spaces.
  • Update 2017-09-28: Handles comments (/*...*/).


  • If the last CSS declaration in the rule ends with a semicolon, returned style will include a property with an empty name "" and an undefined value reflecting the null string following the semicolon. I consider it a correct behaviour.
  • The function will return a faulty result if property value (string literal) includes colon or semicolon or CSS comments, for example div::before {content: 'test:test2;/*test3*/';}. I don’t know how to avoid this.
  • At the moment, it converts property names with prefixes such as -somebrowser-someproperty incorrectly to SomebrowserSomeproperty instead of somebrowserSomeproperty. I want a remedy that won’t ruin the brevity of code, therefore I’ll take time to find one.

Live example

function parseCSSText(cssText) {
    var cssTxt = cssText.replace(/\/\*(.|\s)*?\*\//g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
    var style = {}, [,ruleName,rule] = cssTxt.match(/ ?(.*?) ?{([^}]*)}/)||[,,cssTxt];
    var cssToJs = s => s.replace(/\W+\w/g, match => match.slice(-1).toUpperCase());
    var properties = rule.split(";").map(o => o.split(":").map(x => x && x.trim()));
    for (var [property, value] of properties) style[cssToJs(property)] = value;
    return {cssText, ruleName, style};
} /* updated 2017-09-28 */

    var sty = document.getElementById("mystyle");
    var out = document.getElementById("outcome");
    var styRule = parseCSSText(sty.innerHTML);
    var outRule = parseCSSText(out.style.cssText);
    out.innerHTML = 
        "<b>⦁ CSS in #mystyle</b>: " + JSON.stringify(styRule) + "<br>" +
        "<b>⦁ CSS of #outcome</b>: " + JSON.stringify(outRule);
    console.log(styRule, outRule); /* Inspect result in the console. */
<style id="mystyle">
.mybox1, /* a comment
    and new lines 
    to step up the game */
    display: block; 
    width: 20px; height: 20px;
    background-color: /* a comment
        and a new line */ 
        rgb(204, 204, 204);
    -somebrowser-someproperty: somevalue;

<div id="outcome" style="
    display: block; padding: 0.5em;
    background-color: rgb(144, 224, 224);

<b style="color: red;">Also inspect the browser console.</b>
like image 76
7vujy0f0hy Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
