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Convert canvas or control points to SVG

I am developing a drawing app, and now I want to add a function which creates SVG from my canvas or control points. (I save the mouse coordinates for each drawing step).

canvasElement.toDataURL("image/svg+xml"); // -- doesn't work

One condition - don't use external libs.

I understand, that it is possible to generate an SVG file in Javascript like:

var mysvg = "<svg>"; for(something) { mysvg += "something"; } //etc

But I don't think that it is good way.

Can you advise anything?

like image 952
Oleg Berman Avatar asked Aug 02 '11 21:08

Oleg Berman

People also ask

How do you make SVG on canvas?

The first is to define the SVG with an img tag, then on the canvas grab that element and use the drawImage method. The second is to define an Image variable with src=”mySVG. svg”, and use drawImage on load. Important Note: This works well in Firefox, Chrome & IE, but it was not working on Opera or Android when I tried.

Does canvas support SVG?

Any SVG image can be drawn with the Canvas API with enough effort.

1 Answers

I solved the problem by generating SVG file. I translated all my canvas drawing functions into SVG drawing tags.

Something like that:

function exportSVG() {
    var svg = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>';
svg += '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">';
svg += '<svg width="1065px" height="529px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">';

for(var i=0; i<myPoints.length; i++) {
   svg += "M"+myPoints.x[i]+","+myPoints.y[i]+" ";
   svg += "L"+myPoints.x[i+1]+","+myPoints.y[i+1];
   svg += '" fill="none" stroke="rgb('+color+')" stroke-opacity="'+opacity+'" stroke-width="'+size+'px" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />';
svg += "</svg>";

So, in svg variable there will be SVG file generated from Canvas. Thanks everybody!

like image 89
Oleg Berman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Oleg Berman