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Convert Array To Collection in Laravel

I have the following array in PHP:

[   {      "website": "example",      "url": "example.com"   },   {      "website": "example",      "url": "example.com"   } ] 

Now I would like to convert this to a collection so I sort by the keys website or url. However when I do this:

$myArray = collect(websites); 

I get this instead:

 {       "0": {          "website": "example",          "url": "example.com"       },       "1": {          "website": "example",          "url": "example.com"       }     } 

And the sorting does not work, I would like to know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix it so I have an array collection of objects I can easily sort.

Edit: I expect the output to be the same as this:

[   {      "website": "example",      "url": "example.com"   },   {      "website": "example",      "url": "example.com"   } ] 

By "sorting does not work" I meant the items are not sorted.

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user3718908x100 Avatar asked Mar 03 '18 11:03


2 Answers

Edit; I understand this question is getting a lot of hits based on the title so the TLDR for those people is to use the collect() helper to create a Collection instance. In answer to the questioner's brief:

If you have

$collection = collect([     (object) [         'website' => 'twitter',         'url' => 'twitter.com'     ],     (object) [         'website' => 'google',         'url' => 'google.com'     ] ]); 

You then have your array wrapped in an instance of the Collection class. That means it does not behave like a typical array (- it will be array-like, but don't treat it like it is one -) until you call all() or toArray() on it. To remove any added indices you need to use values().

$sorted = $collection->sortBy('website');  $sorted->values()->all(); 

The expected output:

[      {#769        +"website": "google",        +"url": "google.com",      },      {#762        +"website": "twitter",        +"url": "twitter.com",      }, ] 

See the docs https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/collections#available-methods

The toArray method converts the collection into a plain PHP array. If the collection's values are Eloquent models, the models will also be converted to arrays.

The all method returns the underlying array represented by the collection.

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Jonathan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09


In my case I was making an collection to fake a service for test purpose so I use

$collection = new Collection();     foreach($items as $item){                 $collection->push((object)['prod_id' => '99',                                            'desc'=>'xyz',                                            'price'=>'99',                                            'discount'=>'7.35',                  ]);              } 
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AbdulBasit Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
