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Convert and filter array of objects to one object



I have next array of objects:

const fields = [
    { givenName: 'firstName' },
    { familyName: 'lastName' },
    { 'custom:data': 'blabla' },
    { 'custom:data2': '' },
    { 'custom:data3': null },

What I need is to filter out elements which is empty, null or undefined and convert it to one object pameters:

   givenName: 'firstName',
   familyName: 'lastName',
   'custom:data': 'blabla'
like image 445
Ted Avatar asked Jan 15 '21 14:01


People also ask

How do you convert an object array into a single object?

assign() method to convert an array of objects to a single object. This merges each object into a single resultant object. The Object. assign() method also merges the properties of one or more objects into a single object.

How do you filter an array of objects with an array?

One can use filter() function in JavaScript to filter the object array based on attributes. The filter() function will return a new array containing all the array elements that pass the given condition. If no elements pass the condition it returns an empty array.

How do you transform an array into an object?

To convert an array to an object, use the reduce() method to iterate over the array, passing it an object as the initial value. On each iteration, assign a new key-value pair to the accumulated object and return the result. Copied! const arr = ['zero', 'one', 'two']; const obj4 = arr.

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5 Answers

You could filter the array by looking to the values. This approach assumes, that only one key/value pair is available.

    fields = [{ givenName: 'firstName' }, { familyName: 'lastName' }, { 'custom:data': 'blabla' }, { 'custom:data2': '' }, { 'custom:data3': null }],
    result = Object.assign({}, ...fields.filter(o => {
        const [v] = Object.values(o);
        return v || v === 0 || v === false;

like image 82
Nina Scholz Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10

Nina Scholz

How to check whether a value is empty?

Most people would go about this with a truthy check:

const empty = x => x ? false : true;

empty(null);      //=> true
empty(undefined); //=> true
empty('');        //=> true

But that's always going to exclude things you perhaps didn't intend to exclude:

empty(0);         //=> true
empty(false);     //=> true
empty(NaN);       //=> true

Admittedly NaN could be seen as the "empty" value of its type but for the sake of your question and educational purpose we'll say it's not.

The "workaround" is often something like that:

const empty = x => (x || x === 0 || x === false || Number.isNaN(x)) ? false : true;

However this doesn't need to be more complicated than this:

const empty = x => x == null || x === '' ? true : false;

Checking for either undefined or null is one example where not using triple equality makes sense:

null == undefined;
// true
null === undefined;
// false

See Google JavaScript Style Guide.

If you need to exclude null, undefined and '' please don't rely on clever shorthand tricks and just be explicit about it. Type checking should be a straightforward job (YMMV) and not a show-off contest. Future you and your team mates will thank you.

As for your question, I'd suggest this:

Merge everything you've got with Object.assign:

Object.assign({}, {a:1}, {b:2}, {c:2});
// {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

Then deconstruct it into pairs, exclude those whose value is empty, then reconstruct the object from what's left:

const merge = xs =>
      Object.assign({}, ...xs))
        .filter(([_, v]) =>
          v != null && v !== ''));
const fields = [
  { givenName: 'firstName' },
  { familyName: 'lastName' },
  { 'custom:data': 'blabla' },
  { 'custom:data2': '' },
  { 'custom:data3': null },
like image 22
customcommander Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10


const fields = [
    { givenName: 'firstName' },
    { familyName: 'lastName' },
    { 'custom:data': 'blabla' },
    { 'custom:data2': '' },
    { 'custom:data3': null },
 res = fields.reduce((acc, cur) => {
    if (cur[Object.keys(cur)[0]]) {
       acc = { ...acc, ...cur }
    return acc
 }, {})
like image 3
ecoplaneteer Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10


const fields = [
  { givenName: 'firstName' },
  { familyName: 'lastName' },
  { 'custom:data': 'blabla' },
  { 'custom:data2': '' },
  { 'custom:data3': null },

const result = fields.reduce( ( acc, field ) => {
  Object.keys( field ).forEach( ( key ) => {
    if( field[key] ) {
      acc[key] = field[key];
  } )
  return acc;
}, {} )
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Getter Jetter Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Getter Jetter

You could use reduce and forEach and check if value of each property is falsy or not.

const fields = [
  { givenName: 'firstName' },
  { familyName: 'lastName' },
  { 'custom:data': 'blabla' },
  { 'custom:data2': '' },
  { 'custom:data3': null },

const result = fields.reduce((r, e) => {
  Object.entries(e).forEach(([k, v]) => {
    if (v || [false, 0].includes(v)) r[k] = v

  return r
}, {})

like image 3
Nenad Vracar Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10

Nenad Vracar