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Convert a String to a byte array and then back to the original String

Is it possible to convert a string to a byte array and then convert it back to the original string in Java or Android?

My objective is to send some strings to a microcontroller (Arduino) and store it into EEPROM (which is the only 1  KB). I tried to use an MD5 hash, but it seems it's only one-way encryption. What can I do to deal with this issue?

like image 527
Eng.Fouad Avatar asked Oct 30 '11 21:10


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1 Answers

I would suggest using the members of string, but with an explicit encoding:

byte[] bytes = text.getBytes("UTF-8"); String text = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); 

By using an explicit encoding (and one which supports all of Unicode) you avoid the problems of just calling text.getBytes() etc:

  • You're explicitly using a specific encoding, so you know which encoding to use later, rather than relying on the platform default.
  • You know it will support all of Unicode (as opposed to, say, ISO-Latin-1).

EDIT: Even though UTF-8 is the default encoding on Android, I'd definitely be explicit about this. For example, this question only says "in Java or Android" - so it's entirely possible that the code will end up being used on other platforms.

Basically given that the normal Java platform can have different default encodings, I think it's best to be absolutely explicit. I've seen way too many people using the default encoding and losing data to take that risk.

EDIT: In my haste I forgot to mention that you don't have to use the encoding's name - you can use a Charset instead. Using Guava I'd really use:

byte[] bytes = text.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); String text = new String(bytes, Charsets.UTF_8); 
like image 154
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10

Jon Skeet