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Convert a string of 0-F into a byte array in Ruby



I am attempting to decrypt a number encrypted by another program that uses the BouncyCastle library for Java.

In Java, I can set the key like this: key = Hex.decode("5F3B603AFCE22359");

I am trying to figure out how to represent that same step in Ruby.

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Brandon Yarbrough Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 18:09

Brandon Yarbrough

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1 Answers

To get Integer — just str.hex. You may get byte array in several ways:


See other options for pack/unpack here: http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#method-i-unpack

And examples here: http://www.codeweblog.com/ruby-string-pack-unpack-detailed-usage/

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Nakilon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09
