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Convert a Region latitudeDelta / longitudeDelta into an approximate zoomLevel

I use the great react-native-maps from Airbnb on a react-native app.

I got a list of markers on a JSON file where each of these markers have a property zoom which is a integer of an approximate zoom level where the marker should display / hide on the map.

Is there a way based on the latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta of a Region to get an approximate double/integer of the current zoom level as we have on Google Maps (1 to 20) ?


like image 507
Thmsct Avatar asked Oct 04 '17 15:10


2 Answers

Ok I come with an handy solution, I don't know if we can do better.

I added the onRegionChange event to retrieve the region, then I use some math :

    onRegionChange={region => {
        this.timerForMap = setTimeout(() => {
        }, 100)

Then :

showMarkers(region) {
    let zoom = Math.round(Math.log(360 / region.longitudeDelta) / Math.LN2)

If someone have a better way to do it, feel free to comment !


like image 122
Thmsct Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11


you can get the zoom level from getCamera() using onRegionChange in MapView

const [zoom, setZoom] = useState(''); //initiates variable zoom

const getZoom = async () => {
  const coords = await mapRef.getCamera();
  setZoom(coords.center.zoom); // sets variable zoom the value under coords.center.zoom

ref = {(ref) => mapRef = ref}
 onRegionChange = {() => {getZoom();}}
like image 4
devashish desai Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

devashish desai