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Convert a long to decimal



I've tried to look around for a solution to this, but I simply can't. I want to show the megabyte representation of a long that is calculated in bytes.

In Java, you got a method called length() that you can invoke on a file object. It will return the files size in bytes stored in a long. Now, I want to that long and turn it into megabytes rather than bytes. A file I am trying with got the size 161000 bytes. If I am not mistaken, that translates to 0.161 megabytes. So I would do bytes / 100000 and I would expect to get 0.161. The problem is that I don't.

If I go to my Windows Calculator, or any other calculator for that matter, the application can manage to show those 3 decimals. Why is it that I can't do this? I tried to store the result in a double, which just comes out as 0.0

EDIT: An answers has been found. Thanks to wrm:

long b = file.length(); double mb = (double) b / (1024 * 1024);

like image 494
OmniOwl Avatar asked May 14 '12 12:05


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1 Answers

maybe a little code would clarify the problem but i think, you have some kind of implicit conversion going on. something like this should work:

double result = (double)myLongVal / 1024.0;
like image 118
wrm Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10
