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Convert a list of characters into a string




If I have a list of chars:

a = ['a','b','c','d'] 

How do I convert it into a single string?

a = 'abcd' 
like image 484
nos Avatar asked Dec 19 '10 05:12


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Can we convert list to string in Java?

We use the toString() method of the list to convert the list into a string. The return string will also contain opening/closing square brackets and commas. We use the substring() method to get rid of opening/closing square brackets. We use the replaceAll() method to replace all the commas and spaces with blank or null.

How do I string a list of characters in Python?

To convert a string to list of characters in Python, use the list() method to typecast the string into a list. The list() constructor builds a list directly from an iterable, and since the string is iterable, you can construct a list from it.

How do I convert a list to a string in one line?

To convert a list to a string in one line, use either of the three methods: Use the ''. join(list) method to glue together all list elements to a single string. Use the list comprehension method [str(x) for x in lst] to convert all list elements to type string.

How do you convert a list to a string in Python?

Python | Convert a list of characters into a string. Given a list of characters, merge all of them into a string. Examples: Initialize an empty string at the beginning. Traverse in the list of characters, for every index add character to the initial string. After complete traversal, print the string which has been added with every character.

How to convert a list of characters to string in C #?

Firstly, declare the character array and set the value of each character − Now, use the string class constructor and create a new string from the above array of characters − Let us see the code to convert a list of characters to string in C#.

How to join all characters in a string in Python?

Initialize an empty string at the beginning. Traverse in the list of characters, for every index add character to the initial string. After complete traversal, print the string which has been added with every character. By using join () function in python, all characters in the list can be joined. The syntax is:

What is the difference between a list and a string?

The point to be noted here is that a list is an ordered sequence of object types and a string is an ordered sequence of characters. This is the main difference between the two. A sequence is a data type composed of multiple elements of the same data type, such as integer, float, character, etc.

1 Answers

Use the join method of the empty string to join all of the strings together with the empty string in between, like so:

>>> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> ''.join(a) 'abcd' 
like image 190
Daniel Stutzbach Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 14:10

Daniel Stutzbach