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Conversion from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL

How do I convert a Microsoft SQL Server database backup file such that to import in MySQL database? Is there any way or free tool available for this?

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Anil Vadhavane Avatar asked Jul 05 '11 14:07

Anil Vadhavane

1 Answers

Not sure about how complex a database you have, but if its just some tables and data, there is a free script here that will automagically convert Microsoft SQL Server tables and data over to MySQL.

If you need something more sophisticated, then MySQL has a migration toolkit which allows you to migrate from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL. In addition here is a tutorial on how to use it. Note that this has now been discontinued, in favor of MySQL Workbench, which has data migration built in.

In addition, this converter will convert everything except stored procedures from MSSQL to MySQL, for a price of only $50 which isn't bad.

Also you may want to check out this whitepaper from MySql's website on how to plan a migration from SQL Server to MySQL, as well as some resources.

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Icemanind Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
