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Conventional way of copying files in Gradle - use Copy task or copy method?



I'm adding a task to deploy war files to Tomcat .. the only thing that the task needs to do is copy the war file to the TOMCAT location.

There 2 ways that I can think of implementing this .. but being new to gradle, I'm not quite sure what's more conventional/right (or if it even matters).

task myCopy(type: Copy)      myCopy.configure {        from('source')        into('target')        include('*.war')     } 


task myCopy{   doLast{      copy {        from 'source'        into 'target'        include '*.war'      }      }  } 
like image 709
vicsz Avatar asked Apr 03 '12 21:04


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1 Answers

In most cases (including this one), the Copy task is the better choice. Among other things, it will give you automatic up-to-date checking. The copy method is meant for situations where (for some reason) you have to bolt on to an existing task and cannot use a separate task for copying.

The code for your Copy task can be simplified to:

task myCopy(type: Copy) {     from('source')     into('target')     include('*.war') } 
like image 83
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Peter Niederwieser