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controlling the output with RApacheOutputErrors




I have activated ROutputErrors in r.conf and it works as is suppose to do.

When I have an error I get this:

Oops!!! rApache has something to tell you. View source and read the 
HTML comments at the end. 

And in the source code I get the error.

\n<!--\nError in library(micEconAids) : there is no package called 
'micEconAids'\nTraceback:\n5: stop(txt, domain = NA)\n4: 
library(micEconAids)\n3: eval(expr, envir, enclos)\n2: eval(i, envir) 
\n1: sys.source(file = \"\/var\/www\/r\/test\/25.R\", envir = .rAenv) 

I am trying to build a webservice and I would like to have the errors directly. I am trying to do this in r.conf


But I get this error on restart:

"Invalid command 
'RApacheOutputErrors(TRUE,"<p>","</p>")', perhaps misspelled or 
defined by a module not included in the server configuration"; 

How and where can I use this directive?


like image 495
Elzo Valugi Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 08:12

Elzo Valugi

1 Answers

RApacheOutputErrors() This function has been deprecated and will be removed from the next rApache release. It invokes a warning if it is called.

ref: http://rapache.net/manual.html#rapache_Functions

like image 72
dilip kumbham Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10

dilip kumbham