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Continuously add data to Map

I need to add data to a Map or HashMap before a for...loop, add data to the Map during the for...loop and then create the document with all of the data after the loop.

In Java for Android I used:

Map<String, Object> createDoc = new HashMap<>();
    createDoc.put("type", type);
    createDoc.put("title", title);
for (int x = 0; x < sArray.size(); x++) {
    createDoc.put("data " + x,sArray.get(x));

My question is, how would I create the document and immediately get the ID of it to then update/merge it with the rest of the data? Or is there a way to add data to a Map in Dart?

The only thing I've found in Dart is:

Map<String, Object> stuff = {'title': title, 'type': type};

and in the for...loop:

stuff = {'docRef $x': docId};

and after the for...loop:


which creates a document with only the last entry from the for...loop.

I also imported dart:collection to use HashMap, but it won't let me use

Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<>();

I get the error: "A value of type 'HashMap' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Map<String, Object>'"

Thank you in advance!

like image 848
r3ck3z57 Avatar asked Mar 15 '18 03:03


People also ask

How do you add data to a map?

You can use the Add Data button on the ArcMap toolbar to add data to your map. Click Add Data, browse to the data you want to add, then click Add. The data is added to the table of contents, but you'll still have to geocode the data's attribute table on the map to make it available for customer or store setup.

How do you add data to Dart map?

Using addEntries() method This method is used to add a collection of key/value pairs to a given map. Like the addAll() method, if a key already exists in the map, its value will be overwritten.

1 Answers

An equivalent block of code to what you wrote in Java, for Dart, is:

Map<String, Object> createDoc = new HashMap();
createDoc['type'] = type;
createDoc['title'] = title;
for (int x = 0; x < sArray.length; x++) {
  createDoc['data' + x] = sArray[x];

Of course, Dart has type inference and collection literals, so we can use a more short-hand syntax for both. Let's write the exact same thing from above, but with some more Dart (2) idioms:

var createDoc = <String, Object>{};
createDoc['type'] = type;
createDoc['title'] = title;
for (var x = 0; x < sArray.length; x++) {
  createDoc['data' + x] = sArray[x];

OK, that's better, but still is not using everything Dart provides. We can use the map literal instead of writing two more lines of code, and we can even use string interpolation:

var createDoc = {
  'type': type,
  'title': title,
for (var x = 0; x < sArray.length; x++) {
  createDoc['data$x'] = sArray[x];

I also imported dart:collection to use HashMap, but it won't let me use

Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<>(); I get the error: `"A value of type 'HashMap' can't be assigned to a variable of type


There is no such syntax new HashMap<> in Dart. Type inference works without it, so you could just write Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(), or like my above example, var map = <String, Object> {}, or even better, var map = { 'type': type }, which will type the map for you based on the key and value.

I hope that helps!

like image 64
matanlurey Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10
