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Context of {{title}} in master template when using multiple data/json files using assemble

I am using assemble.io for a simple static web site but am having issues with the {{title}} tag. Here is a rough overview of the issue.

Here is my layout.hbs:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- the body tag is used to "pull in" content from pages -->
    {{> body }}

I have 2 json files for data:


  "title": "Hello world I am title 1"


  "title": "I am a different title"

And I have 2 pages:


{{#foo1 }} 
 {{> module1 }}
 {{> module2 }}
 {{> module3 }}
{{/foo1 }}


{{#foo2 }} 
 {{> module1 }}
 {{> module2 }}
 {{> module3 }}
{{/foo2 }}

My gruntfile.js snippet:

options: {
  layout: "src/responsive/layouts/layout.hbs",
  partials: 'src/responsive/modules/**/*.hbs',
  data: 'src/responsive/data/**/*.json',
  flatten: false
pages: {
  expand: true,
  cwd: 'src/responsive/pages',
  src: '**/*.hbs',
  dest: 'src/'

When I run 'grunt assemble' I get no page title. I think this has something to do with context as if I change {{title}} in layout.hbs to be {{foo1.title}} or {{foo2.title}} it works but then both pages get the same title as they share this template.

How can I make the context of {{title}} in layout.hbs work for all json files being passed in?


like image 679
Adi Avatar asked Jul 23 '14 09:07


1 Answers

@Adi I setup a repo here containing the structure that you described.

I just changed this code in layout.hbs and it's working as expected.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- the body tag is used to "pull in" content from pages -->
    {{> body }}

If you have a repo we can look at, it might help track down the issue.

Hope this helps.

like image 191
doowb Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11
