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Context managers and multiprocessing pools


Suppose you are using a multiprocessing.Pool object, and you are using the initializer setting of the constructor to pass an initializer function that then creates a resource in the global namespace. Assume resource has a context manager. How would you handle the life-cycle of the context managed resource provided it has to live through the life of the process, but be properly cleaned up at the end?

So far, I have something somewhat like this:

resource_cm = None resource = None   def _worker_init(args):     global resource     resource_cm = open_resource(args)     resource = resource_cm.__enter__() 

From here on, the pool processes can use the resource. So far so good. But handling clean up is a bit trickier, since the multiprocessing.Pool class does not provide a destructor or deinitializer argument.

One of my ideas is to use the atexit module, and register the clean up in the initializer. Something like this:

def _worker_init(args):     global resource     resource_cm = open_resource(args)     resource = resource_cm.__enter__()      def _clean_up():         resource_cm.__exit__()      import atexit     atexit.register(_clean_up) 

Is this a good approach? Is there an easier way of doing this?

EDIT: atexit does not seem to work. At least not in the way I am using it above, so as of right now I still do not have a solution for this problem.

like image 842
Sahand Avatar asked Jul 12 '14 21:07


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What is a multiprocessing pool?

Functional Programming in Python In this lesson, you'll dive deeper into how you can use multiprocessing. Pool . It creates multiple Python processes in the background and spreads out your computations for you across multiple CPU cores so that they all happen in parallel without you needing to do anything.

What are context managers used for?

A context manager usually takes care of setting up some resource, e.g. opening a connection, and automatically handles the clean up when we are done with it. Probably, the most common use case is opening a file. The code above will open the file and will keep it open until we are out of the with statement.

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Python MultiProcessing ContextDifferent operating systems provide different ways to create new processes. Some operating systems support multiple ways to create processes. Perhaps the two most common ways to create new processes are spawn and fork. spawn: Creates a new instance of the Python interpreter as a process.

What are the functions of context managers in Python?

Python provides an easy way to manage resources: Context Managers. The with keyword is used. When it gets evaluated it should result in an object that performs context management. Context managers can be written using classes or functions(with decorators).

1 Answers

First, this is a really great question! After digging around a bit in the multiprocessing code, I think I've found a way to do this:

When you start a multiprocessing.Pool, internally the Pool object creates a multiprocessing.Process object for each member of the pool. When those sub-processes are starting up, they call a _bootstrap function, which looks like this:

def _bootstrap(self):     from . import util     global _current_process     try:         # ... (stuff we don't care about)         util._finalizer_registry.clear()         util._run_after_forkers()         util.info('child process calling self.run()')         try:             self.run()             exitcode = 0          finally:             util._exit_function()         # ... (more stuff we don't care about) 

The run method is what actually runs the target you gave the Process object. For a Pool process that's a method with a long-running while loop that waits for work items to come in over an internal queue. What's really interesting for us is what happened after self.run: util._exit_function() is called.

As it turns out, that function does some clean up that sounds a lot like what you're looking for:

def _exit_function(info=info, debug=debug, _run_finalizers=_run_finalizers,                    active_children=active_children,                    current_process=current_process):     # NB: we hold on to references to functions in the arglist due to the     # situation described below, where this function is called after this     # module's globals are destroyed.      global _exiting      info('process shutting down')     debug('running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0')  # Very interesting!     _run_finalizers(0) 

Here's the docstring of _run_finalizers:

def _run_finalizers(minpriority=None):     '''     Run all finalizers whose exit priority is not None and at least minpriority      Finalizers with highest priority are called first; finalizers with     the same priority will be called in reverse order of creation.     ''' 

The method actually runs through a list of finalizer callbacks and executes them:

items = [x for x in _finalizer_registry.items() if f(x)] items.sort(reverse=True)  for key, finalizer in items:     sub_debug('calling %s', finalizer)     try:         finalizer()     except Exception:         import traceback         traceback.print_exc() 

Perfect. So how do we get into the _finalizer_registry? There's an undocumented object called Finalize in multiprocessing.util that is responsible for adding a callback to the registry:

class Finalize(object):     '''     Class which supports object finalization using weakrefs     '''     def __init__(self, obj, callback, args=(), kwargs=None, exitpriority=None):         assert exitpriority is None or type(exitpriority) is int          if obj is not None:             self._weakref = weakref.ref(obj, self)         else:             assert exitpriority is not None          self._callback = callback         self._args = args         self._kwargs = kwargs or {}         self._key = (exitpriority, _finalizer_counter.next())         self._pid = os.getpid()          _finalizer_registry[self._key] = self  # That's what we're looking for! 

Ok, so putting it all together into an example:

import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.util import Finalize  resource_cm = None resource = None  class Resource(object):     def __init__(self, args):         self.args = args      def __enter__(self):         print("in __enter__ of %s" % multiprocessing.current_process())         return self      def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):         print("in __exit__ of %s" % multiprocessing.current_process())  def open_resource(args):     return Resource(args)  def _worker_init(args):     global resource     print("calling init")     resource_cm = open_resource(args)     resource = resource_cm.__enter__()     # Register a finalizer     Finalize(resource, resource.__exit__, exitpriority=16)  def hi(*args):     print("we're in the worker")  if __name__ == "__main__":     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=_worker_init, initargs=("abc",))     pool.map(hi, range(pool._processes))     pool.close()     pool.join() 


calling init in __enter__ of <Process(PoolWorker-1, started daemon)> calling init calling init in __enter__ of <Process(PoolWorker-2, started daemon)> in __enter__ of <Process(PoolWorker-3, started daemon)> calling init in __enter__ of <Process(PoolWorker-4, started daemon)> we're in the worker we're in the worker we're in the worker we're in the worker in __exit__ of <Process(PoolWorker-1, started daemon)> in __exit__ of <Process(PoolWorker-2, started daemon)> in __exit__ of <Process(PoolWorker-3, started daemon)> in __exit__ of <Process(PoolWorker-4, started daemon)> 

As you can see __exit__ gets called in all our workers when we join() the pool.

like image 71
dano Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10
