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contentsize and contentOffset equivalent in NSScroll view

I am porting an app from Ipad to mac. (I know that it sounds weird)

I stuck with NSScrollview. Please guide me contentsize , contentOffset equivalent in NSScrollview.

like image 702
shakthi Avatar asked Aug 11 '10 11:08


1 Answers

UIScrollView* uiScroll; uiScroll.contentSize; uiScroll.contentOffset; uiScroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake(w,h); uiScroll.contentOffset = CGPointMake(x,y); 


NSScrollView* nsScroll; nsScroll.documentView.frame.size; nsScroll.documentVisibleRect.origin; nsScroll.documentView.frameSize = NSMakeSize(w,h); [nsScroll.documentView scrollPoint:NSMakePoint(x,y)]; 

Or perhaps even better:

import AppKit  extension NSScrollView {     var documentSize: NSSize {         set { documentView?.setFrameSize(newValue) }         get { documentView?.frame.size ?? NSSize.zero }     }     var documentOffset: NSPoint {         set { documentView?.scroll(newValue) }         get { documentVisibleRect.origin }     } } 

Notes: I used 'documentSize' (and 'documentOffset') because 'contentSize' conflicts with an already existing property of NSScrollView.

like image 181
aepryus Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
