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Content-Range for resuming a file of unknown length

I create a ZIP archive on-the-fly of unknown length from existing material (using Node), which is already compressed. In the ZIP archive, files just get stored; the ZIP is only used to have a single container. That's why caching the created ZIP files makes no sense -there's no real computation involved.

So far, OK. Now I want to permit resuming downloads, and I'm reading about Accept-Range, Range and Content-Range HTTP headers. A client with a broken download would ask for an open-ended range, say: Range: bytes=8000000-.

How do I answer that? My answer must include a Content-Range header, and there, according to RFC 2616 § 14.16 :

Unlike byte-ranges-specifier values (see section 14.35.1), a byte- range-resp-spec MUST only specify one range, and MUST contain absolute byte positions for both the first and last byte of the range.

So I cannot just send "everything starting from position X", I must specify the last byte sent, too - either by sending only a part of known size, or by calculating the length in advance. Both ideas are not convenient to my situation. Is there any other possibility?

like image 937
cato_minor Avatar asked Mar 17 '13 15:03


1 Answers

Answering myself: Looks like I have to choose between (1) chunked-encoding of a file of yet unknown length, or (2) knowing its Content-Length (or at least the size of the current part), allowing for resuming downloads (as well as for progress bars).

I can live with that - for each of my ZIP files, the length will be the same, so I can store it somewhere and re-use it for subsequent downloads. I'm just surprised the HTTP protocol does not allow for resuming downloads of unknown length.

like image 65
cato_minor Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10
