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Content-based routing with RabbitMQ and Python

Is it possible with RabbitMQ and Python to do content-based routing?

The AMQP standard and RabbitMQ claims to support content-based routing, but are there any libraries for Python which support specifying content-based bindings etc.?

The library I am currently using (py-amqplib http://barryp.org/software/py-amqplib/) seems to only support topic-based routing with simple pattern-matching (#, *).

like image 692
safl Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 11:07


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Is AMQP and RabbitMQ the same?

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1 Answers

The answer is "yes", but there's more to it... :)

Let's first agree on what content-based routing means. There are two possible meanings. Some people say that it is based on the header portion of a message. Others say it's based on the data portion of a message.

If we take the first definition, these are more or less the assumptions we make: The data comes into existence somewhere, and it gets sent to the AMQP broker by some piece of software. We assume that this piece of software knows enough about the data to put key-value (KV) pairs in the header of the message that describe the content. Ideally, the sender is also the producer of the data, so it has as much information as we could ever want. Let's say the data is an image. We could then have the sender put KV pairs in the message header like this:

photographer=John Doe

Now we can implement content-based routing by creating appropriate queues. Let's say we have a separate operation to perform on black-and-white images and a separate one on colour images. We can create two queues, one that receives messages with mode=bw and another with mode=colour. Then we have separate clients listening on those queues. The broker performs the routing, and there is nothing in our client that needs to be aware of the routing.

If we take the second definition, we go from different assumptions. We assume that the data comes into existence somewhere, and it gets sent to AMQP broker by some piece of software. But we assume that it's not sensible to demand that that software should populate the header with KV pairs. Instead, we want to make a routing decision based on the data itself.

There are two options for this in AMQP: you can decide to implement a new exchange for your particular data format, or you can delegate the routing to a client.

In RabbitMQ, there are direct (1-to-1), fanout (1-to-N), headers (header-filtered 1-to-N) and topic (topic-filtered 1-to-N) exchanges, but you can implement your own according to the AMQP standard. This would require reading a lot of RabbitMQ documentation and implementing the exchange in Erlang.

The other option is to make an AMQP client in Python that listens to a special "content routing queue". Whenever a message arrives at the queue, your router-client picks it up, does whatever is needed to make a routing decision, and sends the message back to the broker to a suitable queue. So to implement the scenario above, your Python program would detect whether an image is in black-and-white or colour, and would (re)send it to a "black-and-white" or a "colour" queue, where some suitable client would take over.

So on your second question, there's really nothing that you do in your client that does any content-based binding. Either your client(s) work as described above, or you create a new exchange type in RabbitMQ itself. Then, in your client setup code, you define the exchange type to be your new type.

Hope this answers your question!

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Fabian Fagerholm Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Fabian Fagerholm