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Contact sync adapter in android


People also ask

What is sync adapter in android?

The sync adapter component in your app encapsulates the code for the tasks that transfer data between the device and a server. Based on the scheduling and triggers you provide in your app, the sync adapter framework runs the code in the sync adapter component.

How do I turn on auto sync on Android?

Step 1: Tap the menu in the top left to see your preferences and other options. Step 2: Tap on the Manage Auto Sync text to open auto sync preferences on your device. Step 3: Tap the green Turn Auto Sync On button to enable auto sync.

I want to use sync adapter in my application to sync the native and third party contacts (except FB) with server. ( Only client to server one way sync)

I have two doubts here -

1) If there are multiple sync adapters in the device and If dirty bit is already cleared by another sync adapter , would my sync adapter be able to detect the contacts change/update immediately.

2) I have used

ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, 1);
ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, true);     

to sync the contacts with server .

It does start the sync in every 30 seconds .

But I want it to get notified immediately when ever contacts are added Or Deleted or Updated to start perfromSync operation.

Do I need to use observer too ?