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Consuming SOAP web services on iOS [closed]

I am trying to write applications for iPad which take advantage of web services. I know the concept of a web service and have used it in C#/.NET. I need to know how to do this on an iPad. Can anyone recommend a good book or reading material on webservices for iOS?

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Saro Khatchatourian Avatar asked Jun 17 '11 16:06

Saro Khatchatourian

1 Answers

If you're using iOS frameworks, your solution will involve using NSURLConnection or NSRLRequest. In-depth Apple documentation can be found here. In my experience, you want to wrap those API calls in your own client request that can build data transfer objects your application logic understands.

If you're looking at 3rd party frameworks to access a RESTful web service, take a peek at this answer for a number of iOS framework options.

For SOAP services, take a look here.

As for processing the data, it depends what kind of data your web service produces. There are several frameworks and libraries that can make it easy to consume XML or JSON.

In my experience, the best book on the subject is Advanced iOS Programming.

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retrodrone Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
