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constructor vs typeof to detect type in JavaScript

In this question I did not see suggestions to use constructor.

So instead of typeof callback == "function"

I would use callback && (callback.constructor==Function).

To me it seems obvious that comparison to memory pointers is always better than comparison to strings in terms of both runtime performance and coding safety.

Why not use constructor to detect all types and forget about ugly typeof?

It works for all primitive types, functions and arrays:

undefined === undefined
null === null
[1,2,3].constructor == Array 
(1).constructor == Number
(true).constructor == Boolean
(()=>null).constructor == Function
'abc'.constructor == String
(new Date()).constructor == Date
else it's an object, where instanceof helps to detect it's parents if needed.

If string interning can be relied upon then runtime performance advantage goes away. But safe coding advantage still stays.

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alpav Avatar asked Oct 01 '16 02:10


People also ask

What is difference between typeof and Instanceof in JavaScript?

typeof: Per the MDN docmentation, typeof is a unary operator that returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand. instanceof: is a binary operator, accepting an object and a constructor. It returns a boolean indicating whether or not the object has the given constructor in its prototype chain.

How do I know the type of JavaScript?

Use the typeof operator to get the type of an object or variable in JavaScript. The typeof operator also returns the object type created with the "new" keyword. As you can see in the above example, the typeof operator returns different types for a literal string and a string object.

How do you know if an object is typeof?

typeof null evaluates to 'object' , thus the correct way to use typeof to detect an object is typeof object === 'object' && object !== null .

Does JavaScript do type checking?

JavaScript type checking is not as strict as other programming languages. Use the typeof operator for detecting types. There are two variants of the typeof operator syntax: typeof and typeof(expression) . The result of a typeof operator may be misleading at times.

2 Answers

instanceof is better because it works with inherited constructors. .constructor is a mutable property on an object, so it's not a good thing to check because one can simply change it. You can't change the instanceof something.

const x = new Date();
console.log("Date Constructor", x.constructor);
x.constructor = "herpderpderp";
console.log("Date Constructor", x.constructor);
like image 58
Sterling Archer Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Sterling Archer

You can also define your own functions for both tests that also work on primitives by using getPrototypeOf and isPrototypeOf. E.G.:

function typeOf(obj) {
    return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;

typeOf(2) === Number // true
typeOf("cats") === String // true
class Foo {}
typeOf(new Foo()) === Foo // true

class Bar extends Foo {}
typeOf(new Bar()) === Bar // true
typeOf(new Bar()) === Foo // false    

var b = new Number(3)
if (typeOf(b) === Number) {
    console.log(b.valueOf() + 5)


function instanceOf(obj, type) {
    var objType = typeOf(obj)
    return (
        // Allow native instanceof in case of Symbol.hasInstance
        obj instanceof type ||
        // Handle case where is of type type
        typeOf(obj) === type ||
        // Handle general case
        type.isPrototypeOf(objType) || 
        // Handle special case where type.prototype acts as a
        // prototype of the object but its type isn't in the
        // prototype chain of the obj's type
        // OPTIONALLY remove this case if you don't want
        // primitives to be considered instances of Object


instanceOf(3, Number) // true
instanceOf(new Number("2"), Number) // true
instanceOf(2, Number) // true, OPTIONAL with the last condition
                      // but is probably preferable as 2 does
                      // indeed get all methods of Objects
class Hat {}
instanceOf(new Hat(), Hat) // true
class Fedora extends Hat {}
instanceOf(new Fedora(), Fedora) // true
instanceOf(new Fedora(), Hat) // true
instanceOf(new Fedora(), Object) // true
like image 20
Jamesernator Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
