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Constructor Injection Alternatives (Castle Windsor)

I like Constructor injection for dependency injection. It forces a clear declaration of concerns from a type and helps with testability.

I like Constructor injection, in most places...

Logging as an example where I do not like it. If I have a base class from which many other classes inherit, and I want all of those classes to use an instance of my ILogger (or whatever), and I don't want a static factory (Logger.Instance)...I don't want to have to declare a constructor on every sub-class that takes an ILogger.

So, I could have my base class declare the logger as a Property and have it injected that way

public class MyBaseClass 
   public ILogger Logger { get; set; }


  1. That doesn't assure me that Logger actually gets injected and is not null.
  2. I don't like having ILogger with a public set

So...what other options do I have? (I'm using Castle Windsor).

I've contemplated making an interface

public interface IInitializable<T>
    void Initialize(T instance); 

public class MyBaseClass : IInitializable<ILogger>, ...could have other IInitializables too...
   protected ILogger Logger { get; private set; }

   public void Initialize(ILogger instance) 
         Logger = instance;

Then having a facility on my container that automatically calls all implementations of IInitializable<T> upon type construction...

But I'm wondering what other peoples' thoughts are before I go that route...

like image 725
Jeff Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 17:12


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2 Answers

You're overcomplicating this. The recommended and documented pattern to inject ILogger is to have NullLogger.Instance as default (i.e. a null object pattern) and make the Logger an optional dependency. There is nothing wrong with having a public setter for the logger. Using a custom IInitializable like the one you show will likely only complicate things and not contribute any real value.

I'll copy the sample from the documentation here for easy reference:

using Castle.Core.Logging;

public class CustomerService
   private ILogger logger = NullLogger.Instance;

   public CustomerService()

   public ILogger Logger
      get { return logger; }
      set { logger = value; }

   // ...

EDIT: it seems the question is actually about having different logger implementations depending on the context (which has little to do with the original question). If that's the case, use service overrides or handler selectors.

like image 65
Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Mauricio Scheffer

In your case i would use property injection.

Property injection can be switched to mandatory as explained here: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg08163.html

like image 25
Gregor Slavec Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Gregor Slavec