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Constants in an FXML file

Couldn't find any examples on this. How do I define constants in an FXML file?

For example (where CONTENT_SPACING is the constant I want to create):

<VBox fx:controller="myapp.Controller" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" alignment="center" spacing="20">
        <Double fx:id="CONTENT_SPACING" fx:value="200"/>

    <VBox fx:id="content" spacing="$CONTENT_SPACING">
        <!-- My window contents would go here -->

My code would benefit in readability if this was possible. Thanks!

like image 738
sorbet Avatar asked May 25 '14 23:05


People also ask

What does FXML stand for?

FX Markup Language. In the same way that HTML is for Hypertext Markup Language, and many more acronyms that end in ML .

What is the purpose of the attribute FX controller?

As discussed earlier, the fx:controller attribute allows a caller to associate a "controller" class with an FXML document. A controller is a compiled class that implements the "code behind" the object hierarchy defined by the document.

Do I need to use FXML?

You can not write a single FXML file but instead would have to write many single files, each would build a small part of the custom component. This is not really handy to manage, so most developers choose to do it without FXML, directly in code.

1 Answers

Well, this is a bit embarrassing. It was valid FXML all along, but my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) keeps telling me it's not. The code itself runs fine.


I'll go file a bug report.

Edit: Bug is fixed.

like image 79
sorbet Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
