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Constant placement in a ReactJS component


Coming from a Java background, it would seem to me that the constant below should be defined within the class as an instance variable. However, this doesn't work and if I want to access a variable from different functions then the constant has to be defined outside of the component class. Can someone please explain this reasoning to me? Am I just missing something simple?

I got this code from codeacademy.com.

import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';  const redPanda = {   src: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Endangered_Red_Panda.jpg',   alt: 'Red Panda',   width: '200px', };  class RedPanda extends React.Component {   render() {     return (       <div>         <h1>Cute Red Panda</h1>         <img src={redPanda.src} alt={redPanda.alt} width={redPanda.width} />       </div>     );   } }  ReactDOM.render(<RedPanda />, document.getElementById('app')); 
like image 938
Cannon Moyer Avatar asked Feb 13 '18 04:02

Cannon Moyer

People also ask

Where do constants go in a React component?

All you have to do is take each section of your constants that are currently within index. js and put them within own their brand new file in /src/constants and link them to our constants/index.

What is const [] in React?

const is short for contant, which indicates the variable's value won't change. let is the opposite, meaning that the variable's value will change. and var is just neutral between the two.

How do I add a constant to my React project?

You can simply create an object for your constants: const myConstClass = { ACTION_INVALID: "This action is invalid!" } And then use it. If you are bundling, you can export this object and then import for each component file.

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Embedding Expressions in JSXconst name = 'Josh Perez';const element = <h1>Hello, {name}</h1>; You can put any valid JavaScript expression inside the curly braces in JSX. For example, 2 + 2 , user.firstName , or formatName(user) are all valid JavaScript expressions.

1 Answers

When you want to define some constant values like style or image URLs then it's always better to define that outside of component. It will become global values and available inside each function/class of that file.

Another option of defining constants is on a class instance itself, but then that variable will be available only inside the class. It means if you defined two classes inside the same file, then one class variable would not be available inside another class.

Like this:

class ABC extends React.Component{    constructor(){       super();       this.a = 10;       this.b = 20;    }     render(){       console.log(this.a, this.b);       return (....);    } } 

Note: React classes don't have the feature of class level properties; we can only define methods. But if you want to define values then you need to use class transform properties.

like image 142
Mayank Shukla Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Mayank Shukla