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console.log browser in android emulator

How to see console.log messages of a website using android emulator?

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coure2011 Avatar asked Oct 18 '10 06:10


People also ask

How do I view logs on Android emulator?

To access it, open the Chrome Developer tools from the More tools menu. Inside it you need to open the Remote devices view from the More tools menu. The view will list all attached Android devices and running emulator instances, each with its own list of active web views.

How do I use the console log in browser?

Steps to Open the Console Log in Google Chrome With the Chrome browser open, right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect from the pop-up menu. By default, the Inspect will open the "Elements" tab in the Developer Tools. Click on the "Console" tab which is to the right of "Elements".

1 Answers

From Rich Chetwynd's short article "Javascript debugging on Android browser".

You can log javascript errors and console messages from your Android device or emulator. To do this you first need to install the Android SDK and USB drivers and enable USB debugging on the actual device.

To check if the device is connected correctly you can run the following cmd from your Android SDK tools directory and you should see a device in the list

c:\android sdk..\platform-tools\adb devices

You can then use the Android Debug Bridge to filter debug messages so that you only see browser related messages by running the following cmd.

c:\android sdk..\platform-tools\adb logcat browser:V *:S

By default the log is written to stdout so you will see any Javascript errors or console.log messages etc written to the cmd window.

Further details: Logcat CLI tool docs.

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Doug Domeny Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09

Doug Domeny