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Consistent grid headers with Flexigrid ?

So I'm trying to use the flexigrid plugin. It looks like it's going to work great aside from the fact that it looks like you have to manually set the column widths. Otherwise, the column headers do not match up with the body columns.

Is there any way of automatically matching these up, while still allowing the column widths to be defined by the length of the content in the columns (as is the normal table behavior).

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Joel Martinez Avatar asked Jul 24 '09 21:07

Joel Martinez

4 Answers

I had this problem as well. Here is my fix, and it works great. In flexigrid.js around line 678, change this line.

$(tdDiv).css({textAlign:pth.align,width: $('div:first',pth)[0].style.width});

to this

$(tdDiv).css({textAlign:pth.align,width: $('div:first',pth).width() + "px"});

And you are all set.

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Brian Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10


My solution is a lot simpler than the others suggested.

Before you call the flexigrid function, add this:

$("#yourtable th").each(function() {
  $(this).attr("width", $(this).width());

This will set the width of the column headers to as wide as the text in them is (as opposed to manually setting each header width either with css or in the markup) and make the table body columns the same width.

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Vibeke Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10


I've gotten this to work (at least partially). The problem I was having with my previous iteration (which was also a problem with tvanfosson's implementation) was that once you resized the headers, then the "drag" bars would not be aligned with the new column widths.

My current implementation is below, which works in Firefox 3.5 and Chrome. Unfortunately, there is some exception being thrown in IE (all versions) that is rather disconcerting. I will debug further on Monday:

$(".flexigrid").each(function() {
    var grid = $(this);
    var headers = grid.find(".hDiv thead th");
    var row = grid.find(".bDiv tbody tr:first");
    var drags = grid.find("div.cDrag div");
    if (row.length >= 1) {
        var cells = row.find("td");
        var offsetAccumulator = 0;
        headers.each(function(i) {
            var headerWidth = $(this).width();
            var bodyWidth = cells.eq(i).width();
            var realWidth = bodyWidth > headerWidth ? bodyWidth : headerWidth;


            var drag = drags.eq(i);
            var dragPos = drag.position();
            var offset = (realWidth - headerWidth);
            var newPos = dragPos.left + offset + offsetAccumulator;
            offsetAccumulator += offset;
            drag.css("left", newPos);
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Joel Martinez Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 07:10

Joel Martinez

I've been working on this today, too. What I've come up with involves adding an onSuccess handler and figuring out what the maximum size of each column is between the header and the body, then setting the width of both to the maximum for that column.


  ...other setup...

  onSuccess: function() {

function format() {
    var gridContainer = this.Grid.closest('.flexigrid');
    var headers = gridContainer.find('div.hDiv table tr:first th:not(:hidden)');
    var drags = gridContainer.find('div.cDrag div');
    var offset = 0;
    var firstDataRow = this.Grid.find('tr:first td:not(:hidden)');
    var columnWidths = new Array( firstDataRow.length );
    this.Grid.find( 'tr' ).each( function() {
        $(this).find('td:not(:hidden)').each( function(i) {
            var colWidth = $(this).outerWidth();
            if (!columnWidths[i] || columnWidths[i] < colWidth) {
                columnWidths[i] = colWidth;
    for (var i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; ++i) {
        var bodyWidth = columnWidths[i];

        var header = headers.eq(i);
        var headerWidth = header.outerWidth();

        var realWidth = bodyWidth > headerWidth ? bodyWidth : headerWidth;

        drags.eq(i).css('left',  offset + realWidth );
        offset += realWidth;
like image 23
tvanfosson Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 07:10
