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Connecting points between missing data in chart.js


I'm using chart.js and I have some missing data between multiple day entries at certain points in my chart. I've assigned these values null, but would like the chart to draw a connection line between the missing points. Here is what I have:

enter image description here

Is there a way to connect the dots in chart.js? Or perhaps someone could point me towards a chart library that can. Thanks.

like image 767
user3442612 Avatar asked Nov 24 '14 15:11


1 Answers

New version supports skipping missing data. You can set spanGaps: true in the options. Then if you have null or NaN for missing data, it will skip it and connect to the next point.

 showTooltips: true,
        options: {
             spanGaps: true,

Documentation here

like image 85
Selay Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 21:10
