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Connecting Eclipse project to new GitHub repo

I have been coding up a new project for several weeks and finally decided to put it up on GitHub. So I installed Git (sudo apt-get install git), created an account on GitHub, and then created a new repository with the same name as my Eclipse project. I'm now trying to add my existing Eclipse project to Git version control, and connect it to my GitHub repository.

I ran git init /home/myuser/sandbox/workspace/MyApp.

How do I now connect it to my HitHub repo, so that when I git push some changes, I'll be able to login to GitHub and see them?

like image 673
IAmYourFaja Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 10:12


1 Answers

The simplest (and probably the best) method to install EGit plugin, and then either import from local repository or from github

enter image description here

If you already have eclipse project you can just 'right click' on it and 'share'. After select provider (git) just add your github repo url and have fun.

like image 62
mishadoff Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 07:01
