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Confusion with commas in ternary expression



I found the following interesting code today:

SomeFunction(some_bool_variable ? 12.f, 50.f : 50.f, 12.f) 

I created a small sample to reproduce the behavior:

class Vector3f { public:     Vector3f(float val)     {         std::cout << "vector constructor: " << val << '\n';     } };  void SetSize(Vector3f v) {     std::cout << "SetSize single param\n"; }  void SetSize(float w, float h, float d=0) {     std::cout << "SetSize multi param: " << w << ", " << h << ", " << d << '\n'; }  int main() {     SetSize(true ? 12.f, 50.f : 50.f, 12.f);     SetSize(false ? 12.f, 50.f : 50.f, 12.f); } 

(Live Sample)

The result I get from running the above code is:

clang++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out main.cpp:29:20: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value]     SetSize(true ? 12.f, 50.f : 50.f, 12.f);                    ^~~~ main.cpp:30:21: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value]     SetSize(false ? 12.f, 50.f : 50.f, 12.f);                     ^~~~ 2 warnings generated. SetSize multi param: 50, 12, 0 SetSize multi param: 50, 12, 0 

What I was expecting in both cases was that a single parameter would be passed to SetSize(float). However, two parameters are passed which I find extremely confusing (especially since ternary has precedence over comma; so I assumed the comma was not delimiting function arguments in this case). For example, if using true, the ternary should result in 12.f, 50.f. In this expression, the value to the left of the comma gets dropped/ignored, so I'd expect the end result to be:


The second part of the confusion is that whether we use true or false in the ternary, the same 2 values are passed to the function. The true case should be h=12, w=50 I'd think...

I see the compiler is trying to warn me about something, but I can't quite understand what's going on. Can someone decompose this logic and explain the result in a step by step fashion?

like image 260
void.pointer Avatar asked May 31 '17 23:05


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1 Answers

While the second part of the ternary operator is self contained, the third part is not. The grammar is as follows:



logical-or-expression ? expression : assignment-expression

So your function call is effectively this:

SetSize((true ? (12.f, 50.f): 50.f), 12.f) 

So the ternary expression true ? (12.f, 50.f): 50.f gets evaluated as the first parameter to the function. Then 12.f is passed as the second value. The comma in this case is not the comma operator but the function parameter separator.

From section 5.18 of the C++ standard:

2 In contexts where comma is given a special meaning, [ Example: in lists of arguments to functions (5.2.2) and lists of initializers (8.5) — end example ] the comma operator as described in Clause 5 can appear only in parentheses. [ Example:

f(a, (t=3, t+2), c); 

has three arguments, the second of which has the value 5 . — end example ]

If you want the last two subexpressions to be grouped together, you need to add parenthesis:

SetSize(true ? 12.f, 50.f : (50.f, 12.f)); SetSize(false ? 12.f, 50.f : (50.f, 12.f)); 

Now you have a comma operator and the single argument version of SetSize gets called.

like image 143
dbush Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 11:10
