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Confusion of using Helm rather than Terraform


I am currently moving from ECS to EKS and I'm confused over the divide between Helm and Terraform.

We currently have a dedicate Terraform/Packer repo for our EKS cluster.

We then have a repo for our app. The app requires an AWS RDS instance and SQS/SNS.

My understanding is Helm doesn't support SQS or other service setup, in which case I question why I would bother with Helm when it's pretty easy to deploy all required queues/db/app in EKS using purely Terraform? It seems that by introducing Helm all I end up doing is creating an unnecessary split in the app setup for K8/NonK8 app setup.

I feel like I'm missing the point of Helm, but I'm struggling to see what it is? Help me see what I'm missing!

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user460667 Avatar asked Feb 08 '21 21:02


People also ask

What is the difference between terraform and helm?

Terraform can be used to manage infrastructure and all the attached resources, while Helm's primary purpose is to manage applications and application states from within a Kubernetes cluster.

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The Benefits of Using Helm By making use of Helm, your business will immediately benefit from: Greatly improved productivity. Reduced complexity of deployments. Implementation of cloud-native applications.

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The Terraform Helm provider allows you to deploy and manage your Kubernetes applications dynamically and securely. Using Terraform, you can provision clusters and deploy applications in the same apply operation.

1 Answers

Helm is for installing applications on your EKS. SQS and RDS are not applications running on your container cluster, they are infrastructure. For those you can use Terraform, CloudFormation or CDK.

You can find more examples on how to use the different tools here: https://www.eksworkshop.com/

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Shelly Dar Rapaport Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11

Shelly Dar Rapaport