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confusion matrix from rpart

I can't for the life of me figure out how to compute a confusion matrix on rpart.

Here is what I have done:

UBANK_rand <- UBank[order(runif(1000)), ]
UBank_train <- UBank_rand[1:900, ]
UBank_test  <- UBank_rand[901:1000, ]


#Build the formula for the Decision Tree
UB_tree <- Personal.Loan ~ Experience + Age+ Income +ZIP.Code + Family + CCAvg + Education

#Building the Decision Tree from Test Data
UB_rpart <- rpart(UB_tree, data=UBank_train)

Now, I would think I would do something like

table(predict(UB_rpart, UBank_test, UBank_Test$Default))

But that is not giving me a confusion matrix.

like image 905
mpg Avatar asked Jan 22 '14 04:01


1 Answers

You didn't provide a reproducible example, so I'll create a synthetic dataset:

df = data.frame(outcome = as.factor(sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace=T)),
                x = rnorm(100))

The predict function for an rpart model with type="class" will return the predicted class for each observation.

mod = rpart(outcome ~ x, data=df)
pred = predict(mod, type="class")
# pred
#  0  1 
# 51 49 

Lastly, you can build the confusion matrix by running table between the prediction and true outcome:

table(pred, df$outcome)
# pred  0  1
#    0 36 15
#    1 14 35
like image 166
josliber Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
