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Confirmation Dialog on back button press event Xamarin.Forms


I am stuck at one point in Xamarin.Forms application

On Back button press simply I want to ask user to confirm whether he really wants to exit or not, "OnBackButtonPressed" I want to show Alert dialog and proceed as user response.

But "OnBackButtonPressed" is not Async I cannot write await DisplayAlert... Please direct me how should i implement this feature?

I am using ContentPage as my root Page of NavigationPage

    public class frmHome : ContentPage

Here is the code :

protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
    var result = await  this.DisplayAlert("Alert!", "Do you really want to exit?", "Yes", "No");

    if (result)
            //user wants to exit
            //Terminate application
            //Dont do anything
like image 290
Afzal Ali Avatar asked Aug 23 '15 05:08

Afzal Ali

1 Answers

    protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => {
            var result = await this.DisplayAlert("Alert!", "Do you really want to exit?", "Yes", "No");
            if (result) await this.Navigation.PopAsync(); // or anything else

        return true;
like image 169
Daniel Luberda Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Daniel Luberda