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Configuring the SublimeLinter Plugin to use PHP

I installed the SublimeLinter plugin for Sumblime-text-2 in Ubuntu 12.04.

The PHP linting does not work. After an exhaustive search on the internet, I found out that I have to give the path to PHP in the sublimeLinter settings as below:


This was the path in the line include_path I found in the phpInfo(). But it does not work. I tried escaping the special characters, and other paths like /usr/share/php5, /usr/lib/php5, but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone help with the correct configuration, so that I can get the linter functionality to work?

Note: There has been a previous unanswered question here. I thought maybe I should ask it again, in a little more detail.

UPDATE: The original question has been answered and solves this question as well.

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rgamber Avatar asked Aug 26 '12 17:08


1 Answers

1- Install node.js. Which, by the way, is pretty darn awesome in its own right.
2- Open up Sublime Text, and close all open files.
3- Head to Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings – User (it will be empty if you haven’t messed with it before), and insert the following:


        "javascript":"C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe",
        "css":"C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe",


This is also where you’d put paths to, say, php for linting. Make sure you get the path to node correct – this is the default location on a Windows 7 install. Save the file, close the file, and restart Sublime Text.

sources: http://fuzzytolerance.info/blog/2012/05/14/2012-05-15-getting-sublimelinter-running-on-windows/

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Yousuf Memon Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Yousuf Memon