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Configuring Provisioning Profile

I am currently configuring a new Apple Provisioning Profile and I noticed there are two configuration options which are not documented anywhere (or hidden deep in the documentation).

Enable for Passes
Enable for Data Protection

I know what "Data Protection" means on iOS but I can't find any documentation mentioning this provisioning profile option.

Could you please help me with the meaning of these options?

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Sulthan Avatar asked Jun 29 '12 07:06


People also ask

How do I create a provisioning profile?

Using iOS Provisioning Portal, create a development provisioning profile to specify which developers on your team can sign an app, or suite of apps, and specify a set of devices to run and test those apps. Only team agents and admins can create development provisioning profiles.

How long is a provisioning profile valid for?

A profile is valid for one year. If you, the team admin, recently enabled an app ID for Apple Push Notification Service, create a new provisioning profile containing that app ID. Provisioning profiles created before an app ID was enabled for APNS do not work for testing APNS.

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During an OS deployment task sequence, Configuration Manager places the client in provisioning mode. (An OS deployment task sequence includes in-place upgrade.) In this state, the client doesn't process policy from the site. This behavior allows the task sequence to run without risk of additional deployments running on the client.

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Advanced provisioning (deployment of classic (Win32) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, and certificates) – Allows an IT administrator to use Windows ICD to open provisioning packages in the advanced settings editor and include apps for deployment on end-user devices.

Video Answer

2 Answers

Data protection is an iOS 5.0 feature. If you use it at a provisioning level (It is an entitlement), your entire application will read-lock its data when your app is not running in the foreground (or if you choose, only when the device is unlocked if you perform tasks in the background). You can see more info in the WWDC 2011 video Session 208 (around the 38 minute mark).

However, as mentioned in paul's answer, Passbook is an iOS 6.0 feature and thus cannot be discussed in more detail than is mentioned on the public page he linked to.

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borrrden Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10


I imagine these are related to iOS 6 and new API's that have come with it, if this is the case (and I bet it is), you won't be able to get much (if any) info on a site like this until it is officially released. I would try searching through the developer forums on Apple's iOS developer site:


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LJ Wilson Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

LJ Wilson