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Configuring multiple methods in PHPUnit mock objects




I am trying to create a mock object in PHP and PHPUnit. So far, I have this:

$object = $this->getMock('object',


$mo = new multiple_object($object);

Ignoring my hideously ambiguous object names for the minute, I understand that what I've done is
- Created a mock object, with 2 methods to configure,
- Configured the 'get_events' method to return a blank array, and
- Dropped the mock into the constructor.

What I'd like to do now is configure the second method, but I can't find anything explaining how to do that. I want to do something like


or some such, but that doesn't work. How should I do that?

Tangentially, does this indicate I've structured my code poorly, if I need to configured more than one method to test?

like image 570
TR. Avatar asked Nov 13 '09 01:11


1 Answers

I don't have any experience with PHPUnit, but my guess would be something like this:


Have you tried it already?


Ok, by doing some code search, I found some examples that might help you out

Check this example

They use it like this:

public function testMailForUidOrMail()
    $ldap = $this->getMock('Horde_Kolab_Server_ldap', array('_getAttributes',
                                                            '_search', '_count',
        ->will($this->returnValue(array (
                                      'mail' =>
                                      array (
                                          'count' => 1,
                                          0 => '[email protected]',
                                      0 => 'mail',
                                      'count' => 1)));
        ->will($this->returnValue('cn=Gunnar Wrobel,dc=example,dc=org'));

Maybe your problem is somewhere else?

Let me know if that helped.


Can you try this:

$object = $this->getMock('object', array('set_properties','get_events'));

like image 69
Carlos Lima Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11

Carlos Lima