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Configuring HTTPS for Netlify subdomain registered on AWS Route 53

I have two websites hosted on Netlify. The first has the following domains


Netlify's one-click HTTPS works perfectly. In AWS Route 53 I have the following configurations:

NS mydomain.io



CNAME www.mydomain.io

I have a problem with my second site. The domain in Netlify is as follows:


In Route 53:

CNAME app.mydomain.io

I can't enable HTTPS in Netlify. I've also tried using NS app.mydomain.io with the same nameservers and no luck either.

like image 971
benwiz Avatar asked Dec 12 '18 07:12


People also ask

How to connect Netlify with AWS route53?

Register a domain in AWS Route53, configure Domain Name Server (DNS) and point it to your Netlify Site in few simple steps. Netlify is a great platform to host new era web-applications like Angular, React, etc.

How to register a domain under Netlify route53?

Verify domain and obtain DNS configuration from Netlify (Netlify) Register a domain under Route53 is easy. Simply follow the wizards that guide you through choosing your favorite domain name, the price starts from $9. It will charge on your next billing. Choose domain — key in the domain you just registered in Route53.

How do I configure route 53 for a subdomain?

To configure Route 53 to route traffic for the subdomain using the hosted zone for the subdomain and to delete any duplicate records from the hosted zone for the domain, perform the following procedure: In the Route 53 console, get the name servers for the hosted zone for the subdomain:

How do I create a hosted zone in Route 53?

Open the Route 53 console. In the navigation pane, choose Hosted zones. Choose Create hosted zone. In the right pane, enter the name of the subdomain (such as some.example.com).

1 Answers

It looks like you are putting in the Netlify Nameservers in addition to keeping the Route 53 Nameservers or your old nameservers.

enter image description here

If you want Netlify to manage your DNS, remove the old NS entries and follow the docs to enter your settings on app.netlify.com.

If you want to keep managing DNS from Route 53, remove the Netlify NS entries and follow the docs for Custom Domain DNS configuration.

like image 134
talves Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
