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Configure WildFly/Undertow to put JSESSIONID on URL if cookies not accepted

We previously used JBoss 7.1.2 and utilized the behaviour that JSESSIONID is put on the URL as a fallback if cookies are not accepted or if the JSESSIONID cookie is not present in requests.

After migrating to WildFly 8.2.0 / Undertow 1.1.0 this URL rewrite is not happening.

Is it possible to configure WildFly/Undertow to put JSESSIONID on URLs as a fallback? We are aware of the possibility to put session-config in web.xml, e.g.:


But we only want JSESSIONID on URLs as a fallback solution.

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jkmgbrt Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 08:02


1 Answers

To use cookie based session-tracking if available and URL based session-tracking as a fallback you should configure your deployment descriptor web.xml like this:

<web-app ...>

Note, that you need at least servlet 3.0 specification!

Unfortunately there is a bug (UNDERTOW-396) in Wildfly/Undertow that prevents the fallback from being used. That bug has been marked as fixed for Undertow 1.2.0-Beta10, but Wildfly 8.1.0.Final and 8.2.Final both use older versions. So currently you'd probably need to update Undertow in your Wildfly installation to get the fix.

Here is another useful blog-post on this topic.

Update: Wildfly 9.0.2.Final uses Undertow 1.2.9, so this should be working again (not yet tested).

like image 176
Martin Höller Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 05:04

Martin Höller