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Configure Launch4J to use 32-bit JVM only

I'm using Launch4J to start my Java application and if an x64 JRE is present on the system, Launch4J seems to prefer it.

Unfortunately my application cannot run on a 64 bit JVM because I'm loading a 32 bit DLL, which is not possible and leads to an UnsatisfiedLinkError.

Is there any way to force/trick Launch4J to use a 32 bit JVM only?

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Daniel Rikowski Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 07:04

Daniel Rikowski

2 Answers

I have exactly the same problem : Into 64 bits environment if both 32 ans 64 bits JDK/JRE are installed this tools always detect the 64 bits version. I have patched the source (java + C++) code to make my own version and re-compile all. I add a check box to FORCE the 32 bits JDK/JRE detection into 64 bits windows environment. Just donwload the version and use it as the original one.

Version : launch4j-3.0.2-win32_Java32bitsDetection

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Feneck91 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10


I had this exact problem about a year ago, using Lauch4J to wrap a small Java program that required a 32-bit DLL (swt-win32.dll, as it happened).

I found that if there were 32-bit and 64-bit JVMs installed, Launch4J would always favour the 64-bit one. It would only work if the 64-bit JVM was uninstalled, which was obviously not a practical solution.

I found no way of getting Launch4J to prefer (and require) the 32-bit JVM, after searching quite a bit and posting questions on its forum.

Therefore, I evaluated a good number of alternative JRE converters (I used this list: http://www.excelsior-usa.com/articles/java-to-exe.html).

I ended up settling on Jar2Exe, which was the only one that had the features I needed. It's not free, though there is an evaluation version, and I think it wasn't expensive.

Hope this helps!

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Irish Buffer Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Irish Buffer