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Configure Gradle to publish sources and javadoc




How do I configure Gradle to publish sources and javadoc jars to a repository?

like image 556
Paolo Fulgoni Avatar asked Feb 20 '14 09:02

Paolo Fulgoni

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1 Answers

Solution as of Gradle 6.0

Here’s the somewhat minimal configuration you can use if you’re on Gradle 6.0 or later; note the newly introduced withSourcesJar() and withJavadocJar() methods:

plugins {     id 'java'     id 'maven-publish' }  group = 'com.example'  java {     withSourcesJar()     withJavadocJar() }  publishing {     repositories {         maven {             url = 'file:///tmp/my-repo'         }     }     publications {         myJava(MavenPublication) {            from components.java        }     } } 

Of course, you can also use the ivy-publish plugin instead of maven-publish.

See also the Gradle docs:

  • on the two new methods
  • on the maven-publish plugin
  • on the ivy-publish plugin
like image 62
Chriki Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 00:10
