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Configuration does not have any version information - assuming the configuration is for version 1.5

Where in ccnet.config set version? I search and read docs but there is no version mentioned.

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senzacionale Avatar asked May 16 '10 11:05


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2 Answers

You can add this line in your config file:

<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder" xmlns="http://thoughtworks.org/ccnet/1/5"> 

It is mentionned in this tracker CCNET-1870 : http://jira.public.thoughtworks.org/browse/CCNET-1870

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TridenT Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10


@Andy I got the same error in one of my configurations. If you use cb:include in your configuration file, you should also give xmlns=version-url cb:config-template in configuration files included by cb:include.

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Jinuk Kim Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Jinuk Kim