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conditionally fill ggtext text boxes in facet_wrap





Is it possible to conditionally fill these [ggtext][1] text boxes? Let's say color "red" if "pickup".

enter image description here


ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~class) +
  theme_half_open(12) +
  background_grid() +
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text = element_textbox(
      size = 12,
      color = "white", fill = "#5D729D", box.color = "#4A618C",
      halign = 0.5, linetype = 1, r = unit(5, "pt"), width = unit(1, "npc"),
      padding = margin(2, 0, 1, 0), margin = margin(3, 3, 3, 3)
like image 887
Eric Green Avatar asked Feb 21 '20 04:02

Eric Green

People also ask

What is the use of facet wrap in HTML?

When it reaches the final column of the layout, facet_wrap “wraps” the panels downward to the next row. So ultimately, facet_wrap lays out the panels like a “ribbon” that wraps around (and downward) from one row to the next.

What is facet_wrap in ggplot2?

So ultimately, facet_wrap lays out the panels like a “ribbon” that wraps around (and downward) from one row to the next. Creating this sort of small multiple chart is hard in most software. However, it’s rather easy to do in ggplot2 with facet_wrap. With that in mind, let’s look at how to create this sort of small multiple plot in ggplot2.

What is facet_wrap in Google Sheets?

Essentially, facet_wrap places the first panel in the upper right hand corner of the small multiple chart. Each successive panel is placed to the right until it reaches the final column of the panel layout.

How to add the same text to all facets in R?

ggp + # Add same text to all facets annotate ("text" , label = "My Text" , x = 5 , y = 5) The output of the previous R programming syntax is shown in Figure 2: A facet plot with the same text in each plot window.

1 Answers

You can intercept the element drawing routine and inject some styling changes.


element_textbox_highlight <- function(..., hi.labels = NULL, hi.fill = NULL,
                                      hi.col = NULL, hi.box.col = NULL) {
      list(hi.labels = hi.labels, hi.fill = hi.fill, hi.col = hi.col, hi.box.col = hi.box.col)
    class = c("element_textbox_highlight", "element_textbox", "element_text", "element")

element_grob.element_textbox_highlight <- function(element, label = "", ...) {
  if (label %in% element$hi.labels) {
    element$fill <- element$hi.fill %||% element$fill
    element$colour <- element$hi.col %||% element$colour
    element$box.colour <- element$hi.box.col %||% element$box.colour

ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~class) +
  theme_half_open(12) +
  background_grid() +
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text = element_textbox_highlight(
      size = 12,
      color = "white", fill = "#5D729D", box.color = "#4A618C",
      halign = 0.5, linetype = 1, r = unit(5, "pt"), width = unit(1, "npc"),
      padding = margin(2, 0, 1, 0), margin = margin(3, 3, 3, 3),
      # this is new relative to element_textbox():
      hi.labels = c("minivan", "suv"),
      hi.fill = "#F89096", hi.box.col = "#A6424A", hi.col = "black"

Created on 2020-02-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Edit: Extending to 3 (or more colors) based on feedback from @Claus_Wilke


element_textbox_highlight <- function(..., 
                                      hi.labels = NULL, hi.fill = NULL,
                                      hi.col = NULL, hi.box.col = NULL,
                                      hi.labels2 = NULL, hi.fill2 = NULL,
                                      hi.col2 = NULL, hi.box.col2 = NULL) {
      list(hi.labels = hi.labels, hi.fill = hi.fill, hi.col = hi.col, hi.box.col = hi.box.col,
           hi.labels2 = hi.labels2, hi.fill2 = hi.fill2, hi.col2 = hi.col2, hi.box.col2 = hi.box.col2)
    class = c("element_textbox_highlight", "element_textbox", "element_text", "element",
              "element_textbox_highlight", "element_textbox", "element_text", "element")

element_grob.element_textbox_highlight <- function(element, label = "", ...) {
  if (label %in% element$hi.labels) {
    element$fill <- element$hi.fill %||% element$fill
    element$colour <- element$hi.col %||% element$colour
    element$box.colour <- element$hi.box.col %||% element$box.colour
  if (label %in% element$hi.labels2) {
    element$fill <- element$hi.fill2 %||% element$fill
    element$colour <- element$hi.col2 %||% element$colour
    element$box.colour <- element$hi.box.col2 %||% element$box.colour

ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~class) +
  theme_half_open(12) +
  background_grid() +
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text = element_textbox_highlight(
      size = 12,
      # unnamed set (all facet windows except named sets below)
      color = "white", fill = "#5D729D", box.color = "#4A618C",
      halign = 0.5, linetype = 1, r = unit(5, "pt"), width = unit(1, "npc"),
      padding = margin(2, 0, 1, 0), margin = margin(3, 3, 3, 3),
      # this is new relative to element_textbox():
      # first named set
      hi.labels = c("minivan", "suv"),
      hi.fill = "#F89096", hi.box.col = "#A6424A", hi.col = "black",
      # add second named set 
      hi.labels2 = c("compact", "pickup"),
      hi.fill2 = "green", hi.box.col2 = "#A6424A", hi.col2 = "black"

enter image description here

like image 129
Claus Wilke Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 02:10

Claus Wilke