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Conditionally chain functions in JavaScript

I'm trying to refactor the following node.js code.

Each case generates a thumbnail, chaining a different set of GraphicMagic transformation to an image.

switch(style.name) {
    case 'original':
            .setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option)
            .toBuffer(function(err, buffer) { if (err) { next(err); } else { next(null, buffer); } });
    case 'large':
            .setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option)
            .toBuffer(function(err, buffer) { if (err) { next(err); } else { next(null, buffer); } });
    case 'medium':
            .setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option)
            .crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset)
            .toBuffer(function(err, buffer) { if (err) { next(err); } else { next(null, buffer); } });
    case 'small':
            .setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option)
            .crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset).repage('+')
            .toBuffer(function(err, buffer) { if (err) { next(err); } else { next(null, buffer); } });

However, all cases share a number of transformations at the beginning and the end of the chaining, so there's room for refactoring. I tried refactoring with the following approach, but the code seems incorrect:

.setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option, function(err, response) {
    if (style.name === 'original'){
        return response;
    } else if (style.name === 'large'){
        return response.quality(style.quality)
    } else if (style.name === 'medium'){
        return response.crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset).repage('+')
    } else if (style.name === 'small'){
        return response.crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset).repage('+').quality(style.quality)
}).(function(response) {
    return (stryle.name !== 'original') ? response.strip().interlace('Plane') : return response;
}).(function(argument) {
    return response.toBuffer(function(err, buffer) { if (err) { next(err); } else { next(null, buffer); } });
like image 497
Sbbs Avatar asked Nov 24 '15 00:11


People also ask

Can you chain functions in JavaScript?

Function chaining is a pattern in JavaScript where multiple functions are called on the same object consecutively. Using the same object reference, multiple functions can be invoked. It increases the readability of the code and means less redundancy.

What is optional chaining in JS?

Optional chaining is a safe and concise way to perform access checks for nested object properties. The optional chaining operator ?. takes the reference to its left and checks if it is undefined or null. If the reference is either of these nullish values, the checks will stop and return undefined.

How do I enable optional chaining?

To enable optional chaining, you need to install a package. At the time of writing, optional chaining is not natively supported in Javascript, it is a new feature introduced in ES2020. Until it is fully adopted we can get all the optional goodness by installing a package!

Is optional chaining good?

The optional chaining ?. is a safe way to access nested object properties, even if an intermediate property doesn't exist.

2 Answers

I wouldn't go for a switch at all.

There is no reason to use chaining at all here. Just do

// if (!/^(original|large|medium|small)$/.test(style.name)) throw new Error(…);
var x = gm(response.Body)
         .resize(style.w, style.h, style.option);
if (style.name == "medium" || style.name == "small")
    x = x.crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset)
if (style.name == "large" || style.name == "small")
    x = x.quality(style.quality);
if (style.name == "large" || style.name == "medium" || style.name == "small")
// possibly better than if (style.name != "original")
    x = x.strip()

But if you're having a large set of options so that it gets unreadable, better factor out each transformation in a function:

function resizedJpg(x) {
    return x.setFormat('jpg').autoOrient().resize(style.w, style.h, style.option);
function cropped(x) {
    return x.crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset).repage('+');
function withQuality(x) {
    return x.quality(style.quality);
function stripped(x) {
    return x.strip().interlace('Plane');

And then apply them separately:

    original: [resizedJpg],
    large:    [resizedJpg,          withQuality, stripped],
    medium:   [resizedJpg, cropped,              stripped],
    small:    [resizedJpg, cropped, withQuality, stripped]
}[style.name]).reduce(function(x, trans) {
    return trans(x);
}, gm(response.Body)).toBuffer(next);
like image 104
Bergi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10


I wrote small js helper for such usecases: https://github.com/sms-system/conditional-chain

With the help of this tool, you can chain methods optional, based on condition. Code will be more controlled and readable.

  .resize(style.w, style.h, style.option))

.if(style.name == 'medium' || style.name == 'small', gm => gm
  .crop(style.w, style.h, style.crop.x_offset, style.crop.y_offset)

.if(style.name == 'large' || style.name == 'small', gm => gm

.if(style.name != 'original', gm => gm

like image 5
Serge Smirnov Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10

Serge Smirnov