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Conditionally add element to json array using jq


I'm adding strings to a JSON array using jq, and it works great, but I'd like to only add strings that do not already exist. I've experimented with unique, has, not, etc. I'm missing a piece or two to the puzzle.

Here's my starting json file, foo.json:

  "widgets": [
      "name": "foo",
      "properties": [
      "name": "bar"

Here's the jq command I've constructed that adds the string, even if it already exists:

$ cat foo.json | jq '.widgets[] | select(.name=="foo").properties |= .+ ["cat"]'

Here's the latest iteration of my attempt.

$ cat foo.json | jq '.widgets[] | select(.name=="foo").properties | has("cat") | not | .properties += ["cat"]'
jq: error: Cannot check whether array has a string key