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Conditional summation in PostgreSQL

I have a transactions table which contains a category (category_id), an amount (amount) and a flag (managed) which can be true or false.

I would like to display a list of all categories with the total amounts of managed and not managed transactions, e.g.

Category | managed_transactions | unmanaged_transactions
Cat 1    |     124000           |     54000
Cat 2    |     4000             |     0
Cat 3    |     854000           |     1000000

Is there a way to do something like

Select category_id,
       sum(amount) if (managed is true) as managed_transactions,
       sum(amount) if (managed is false) as unmanaged_transactions
from transactions

I'm obviously stuck on the if managed is true part...

like image 403
Pierre Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 17:08


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How do you sum in PostgreSQL?

Use the SUM() function to calculate the sum of values. Use the DISTINCT option to calculate the sum of distinct values. Use the SUM() function with the GROUP BY clause to calculate the sum for each group.

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In PostgreSQL, the ADD COLUMN command/statement along with the ALTER TABLE clause is used to add single or multiple columns to a table. The ADD COLUMN command allows us to add new columns with constraints such as DEFAULT, NOT NULL, UNIQUE, etc.

Can we use sum without GROUP BY?

If you know the values to always be the same, then one simple (although not necessarily optimized) solution is to wrap your original GROUP BY query in another query (making the original a subquery) and then use the SUM function in the outer query, without a GROUP BY clause.

1 Answers


  SUM( CASE WHEN managed THEN amount ELSE      0 END ) AS managed_transactions,
  SUM( CASE WHEN managed THEN      0 ELSE amount END ) AS unmanaged_transactions
like image 178
Julius Musseau Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 09:10

Julius Musseau