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Conditional Stack Variables



Given the following function, will each of the local variables be declared on the stack?

std::string reallyCoolFunction(unsigned int a)
   if( a < 20 ) 
     std::string result1 = "This function is really cool";
     return result1;

   if( a >=20 && a <= 40 )
     std::string result2 = "This function is kind of cool";
     return result2;

   if( a > 40 )
     std::string result3 = "This function is moderately cool";
     return result3;

 std::string result4 = "This function really isn't that cool"; 
 return result4; // remove warning


In this situation, only one std::string is actually required, do all 4 get allocated on the stack, or does only 1 get allocated?

like image 503
lcs Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 15:01


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1 Answers

The decision is up to the compiler: since the automatic variables go out of scope before the next one comes in scope, the compiler can re-use their memory. Keep in mind that "stack" variables are actually variables with automatic storage duration according to the C++ specification, so they may not be on the stack at all.

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Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10

Sergey Kalinichenko