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Conditional Min and Max in Excel 2010



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I would like to find Min and Max of Quantity (Column 2) based on Type (coloumn 1), is it possible to have this done?

I have tried this but the result was unexpected Similar question

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NCC Avatar asked Jul 19 '12 22:07


1 Answers

Assuming your data above is in A2:B13, this works:


You have to press ctrl+shft+Enter when you enter the formula into a cell. This finds all rows with the A, B, or C, and multiplies 1 with the value next to it if the letter matches your formula, and 0 if it doesn't match. Then you take the MAX() of the values.

<<< Edit >>>

As @GSerg suggested, you can also do it with these formulas, if you press ctrl+shft+Enter when entering them into each cell:


A much more elegant way of doing it!

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James L. Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

James L.