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Condition statement without loops



I'm writing a small function to check if all elements in a list are less than or equal to a limit. This is just for practice, and should be done without using any loops.

def small_enough(a, limit): 
    return all(x <= limit for x in a)
small_enough([66, 101], 200)

Been on this for a while but I can not find any substituting code to replace the for loop.This code works perfectly fine as it is - however, I am trying to get the results without using loops. Trying to write something a bit more 'pythonic'.

like image 825
pragmatic learner Avatar asked Aug 27 '19 14:08

pragmatic learner

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1 Answers

If using numpy is ok, you can do

import numpy as np

x = np.asarray([66,101])
print(all(x <= 200))
like image 154
user2653663 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
