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"concurrently: command not found" despite being installed [closed]

I'm trying to run two scripts concurrently, and I found this package concurrently that supposedly would help me. I did npm install concurrently --save and it's listed in my package.json. When I go to run it, however, it throws:

concurrently: command not found

I don't understand why it can't find it despite being installed. I've set up the commands as shown here, so I know it can't be that. I've checked earlier instances of this issue, but it appears to be outdated. Is there another way I can check if this works, or should I try something else?


enter image description here

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Asking Avatar asked Mar 08 '19 15:03


2 Answers

When you install using npm install without specifying the global flag -g, you are installing the module to your projects node_modules folder. If that module has any runnable binaries, they will be added to node_modules/.bin - so you should be able to run your local version of concurrently by running node_modules/.bin/concurrently (or from any folder in your project $(npm bin)/concurrently). I personally prefer using the project's local dependencies over installing global ones so I have the option to use a different version in another project.

If you put a script into the package.json "scripts" field it will reference these locally installed without having to specify the full path because npm run adds your projects node_modules/.bin to your path.

If you're having issues, I would start by checking the node_modules/.bin folder and verifying that the binary for your script actually exists.

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Wex Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10


This issue also comes up when there is a dash "-" in your folder name. i.e. (/developer/api-movies) or even (/developer-apps/apiMovies. Use camelCase throughOut rather than dashes.

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yksdraen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10
