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Concept of ternary operator (? : ) in c [duplicate]

On compiling given program in GCC Compiler :

int main()  
      int a=2,b=3;  
      return 0;     

it is showing error that "lvalue required as left operand"
but if i write 4th line as


Then its showing no compilation error . Can any one explain me why ?
And also how does it differ from if...else... ?

like image 754
r.bhardwaj Avatar asked Jan 15 '23 19:01


1 Answers

As mentioned in the comments, you have an issue with operator precedence. Your code is interpreted as follows:

((a > 1) ? b = 10 : b) = 50;

The above code is invalid for the same reason that writing (b = 10) = 50 is invalid.

The code can be more clearly written as:

b = a > 1 ? 10 : 50;

And also how does it differ from if...else... ?

The conditional operator works only with expressions as operands. An if statement can contain statements in the body.

A conditional operator can always be replaced by an equivalent if statement. But the reverse is not true - there are if statements that cannot be replaced with an equivalent conditional operator expression.

like image 176
Mark Byers Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 08:01

Mark Byers