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Concatenate string and var less css




Can anyone please tell me how to concatenate a var and a string in LESS so I don't have the space between them?

I have the following code:

.text(@size) {
    font-size: @size + px;
    line-height: (@size / 10) + em;

h1 {

What the LESS outputs is the following:

h1 {
    font-size: 12 px;
    line-height: 1.2 em;

I need to find a way to remove the spaces.

Thanks Pete

like image 626
Peter J Harrison Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 09:10

Peter J Harrison

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1 Answers

In case any late-comers find this thread:

There is a built-in function for this:

unit(@dimension, [@unit: ""]);

So font-size: unit(@size, px); should result in font-size: 12px. I tested it.


like image 123
Mike Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
